Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA) – also known as Anxiety-based school avoidance (ABSA) is a term used to describe children and young people (CYP) who experience challenges in attending school due to emotional factors and negative feelings (such as anxiety and fear), often resulting in emotional and physical distress, and a reluctance to attend school, which can lead to reduced attendance and further anxiety regarding school.
EBSA should not be thought of as a deliberate act of defiance, but instead as a complex issue inextricably linked with mental health and wellbeing.
Although It is difficult to estimate the prevalence of EBSA literature reports that between 1% and 2% of the school population, (with slightly higher prevalence amongst secondary school students), are absent from school due to emotional reasons, It is reported to be equally common in males and females with little evidence of a link to socioeconomic status.
The Covid-19 pandemic and the disruption caused to educational experiences means more CYP are still anxious about attending school and while a level of anxiety is completely normal and for the vast majority of students, getting back into familiar and predictable school routines has supported their wellbeing, for some CYP however, there have been additional challenges and the level of anxiety being experienced will mean more targeted support is needed for those experiencing EBSA
There is no single cause for EBSA and there are likely to be various contributing factors for why a young person may be finding it difficult to attend school, including:
In order to avoid these overwhelming emotions and the fear associated with school attendance the CYP may withdraw from the situation, refusing to get ready for school or to leave the house or enter the school. They may also turn to hostile behaviours as a means to avoid the threatening situation and to try and control what feels like a very ‘out-of-control’ situation Typically these behaviours, and the avoidance of school, then contribute to the maintenance of EBSA over time.
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